Our dentist friend is a proud graduate from Centro Escolar University in Manila. The university is one of the top schools for Dental Medicine in the Philippines. When she moves to be with her husband, she aspires to be able to practice her profession here in Germany. Read on to know more about her paper work battle.
Documents asked from her:
1. Proof of identity
-- she presented her passport
2. Proof of knowledge in German language
-- at least a B2 certificate is required.
3. Brief CV
4. Birth Certificate
-- She presented a NSO Birth Certificate copy
5. Marriage Certificate, if married
-- According to her, this has been repealed in April 2012, thus, is no longer a requirement now.
6. An official certificate stating that the applicant has no criminal records
-- can be NBI clearance or equivalent & must be not older than 6 months
7. Certificate stating entitlement to work as a dentist in your country of origin
-- she presented her Transcript of Records along with her University diploma & certificate of her post-graduate courses
8. Dental Examination Certificate
-- She presented her Philippine Dentist License & made a copy of the backside which will serve as her good moral declaration & limitation of practice as noted by the dental institution: Philippine Dental Association, Inc. (PDA).
-- She also attached her Dental Board Examination Result.
9. Medical Certificate
-- must be issued within the last month
10. A tabular overview of training courses &/or working experiences, if any
-- She presented her registration in the ''radiation protection training'' that she has previously attended. The said training cost around 500€.
*** Including the passport, all documents must be translated to German by an authorized translator.
*** A payment fee of 450€ is needed for the equivalent verification process.
If they decide that your education is NOT EQUIVALENT to the German system: they will give you a temporary permit for a year to work with the condition that you will be under the supervision of a licensed dentist in Germany. After which, you will need to pass a so-called 'equivalency examination' (gleichwertigkeitsprüfung). This is comparable to a board exam which will determine if your educational level is equal to the one required in Germany. The said exam have 3 parts: (1) theoretical (2) practical & (3)oral exam.
My Dentist friend is relief that she did not need to take this route as she heard that the passing rate for the said exam is low. It is good to know that Centro Escolar University: School of Dentistry strictly adheres to the standard set by other countries such as the U.S. & Japan (just to name a few). CEU-Dentistry is also being recognized here in Germany as having a german-structured-curriculum equivalent to the University of Bonn.
***In Asia, only Japan has full recognition. The rest of Asia & other third world countries have to go through the verification process since they only have partial recognition.
If they decide that your education is EQUIVALENT to the German system, you will be invited to an oral exam. The said oral exam will be in German language & comes in 2 parts:
1. A medical text will be given to you that you need to summarized in your own words.
2. A role-playing conversation exam.
-- It will be a dentist-patient simulation where the examiner will post as the patient who will come to you with certain complains. You, as the dentist:
a. will give a thorough anamneses
b. be able to give out your findings
c. be able to define dental terminologies (for example: periodontitis, caries & the likes) related to the situation presented
d. be able to explain the cause & effect
e. be able to give a solution in terms of treatment modalities
f. be able to give advices & other informations but not limited to preventive methods.
These are just to give you an overview on what are the requirements needed & what to expect if you wanted to apply for a Dental License here in Germany. Please take note that it is best to contact the dental chamber of the Federal German state where you resides for other details.
My dentist friend & myself wish you all well. Good luck!
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas at Mabuhay ang Mamamayang Pilipino!