Here is my list of things I tackled before leaving the country:
1. Identification Cards
-- I decided not to change my surname yet in all on my documents. If ever, they normally just ask for a photocopy of your NSO marriage license. Things to change will include: Driver's License, SSS, BIR, bank accounts & the likes.
2. Credit Card(s)
-- To keep or not to keep is totally up to you. Call your Credit Card Company for payment options or special instructions while living abroad to be able to determine if you should maintain a PH credit card or not.
3. Communication options
-- You know you will miss your family, so, take the time to determine on how to contact them once you reach your destination. Sure, internet is just there -- but, people like my mom, who is zero knowledge in using a PC & refuses to learn it ... well, that is not so easy now, isn't it?
-- If you have a cellphone company line & do not want to maintain it anymore, you need to have this cut. Or if you wanted to maintain a prepaid PH sim, then its time to get one if you haven't yet.
4. Documents
-- Bring with you documents that you felt you might need there. I have my NSO birth certificate, NSO marriage license, Deutsch A1 Certificate, University Diploma, Transcript of Records & the likes with me.
-- I had my marriage license translated to German recently, the charge is: 1,400php.
5. Clothing
-- I will list down what I have in my bag in a different blog topic, mainly, because its a long topic. lol.
6.Other items you want to bring with you
-- okey, let's face it: we have tons of stuff we wanted to bring. But we have to bear in mind that there are a certain weight allotment given to us.
Always check for new advisories and restriction of what you can or cannot bring with you. This will save you alot of trouble.
Happy packing!!!